Why Do You Need a Lawyer for Workers’ Compensation?
Our best workers’ compensation attorney at RP Law Group helps victims of workers’ compensation claims in California.

Everything You Need to Know About Workers’ Comp in California
Workers’ compensation in California provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their job.

Delayed Workers’ Compensation Injury Claims_ Yes, it is possible but you need to know your rights.
If you haven’t consulted a Delayed Claims lawyer from the get go, you should know that you can still seek profession counsel and assistance after filing the claim.

How to get a Workers Compensation Settlement for your Knee Replacement?
Knee injuries are among the most common work-related musculature disorders. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than 600,000 workers lose time from work each year due to knee injuries.
Warehouse Workers Injury
On-the-job injuries happen for many reasons; with short staffing and employer requirements,production quotas are the main reason. In addition, large box companies cause employees to miss restperiods and bathroom breaks to keep up.While no one warehouse employer is solely responsible for this trend, no employee should beforced to give up basic needs for a paycheck. Assemblywoman Lorena...
What do you need to know about State EDD Disability Insurance ?
When an injured workers’ compensation claim is denied, delayed, or no total temporary disability benefits are being paid by the workers’ compensation company, injured workers may apply for state disability benefits through EDD (SDI).
SDI provides eligible injured workers with short-term disability benefits for a work-free time due to an injury or...
In this article we will take a deeper look at depositions – what they are and their use in workers’ compensation cases.
A deposition is a discovery tool which allows the opposing party to gather information regarding the claim. A deposition is basically just questioning and answering questions under oath. While typically in workers’ compensation cases a deposition will be taken of the injured...
Cambiar su trabajo Comp Doctor
A menudo la pregunta viene en cuanto a la elección de un médico de compensación de trabajo. En resumen, ¿tienes que usar el médico de trabajo, o puedes seleccionar el tuyo propio? En última instancia, su mejor opción puede ser permanecer con el médico que seleccione dentro de la red de la compañía de seguros.
Uno de los beneficios de seleccionar un médico dentro de la Red de Proveedores...
¿Qué es un bono?
Por lo tanto, ha recibido una determinación de incapacidad permanente en la reclamación de compensación de sus trabajadores y no puede volver a su trabajo habitual y habitual, pero puede hacer algo de trabajo.Así que¿Y ahora qué?
Una vez que esté listo para resolver su caso, puede tener derecho a volver a entrenar. El programa de rehabilitación profesional fue creado para proporcionar a los...
What Is a Voucher?
So, you’ve received a permanent disability determination in your workers’ compensation claim and you cannot return to your usual and customary job but you can do some work. So what now?
Once you are ready to settle your case you may be entitled to retraining. The vocational rehabilitation program was created to provide qualified injured workers a training and vocational counseling opportunity....